LRM worldwide…

LRM in Tunota!

Honduran Grace Raudales has raised the name of the country high after the major international magazine Life Recipe Magazine will highlight your shrimp cocktail recipe with green plantain tostones, a catracha delight.

LRM in Tunota! – Hondureña Grace Raudales

Hondureña Grace Raudales resalta la gastronomía catracha en revista internacional. (Honduran Grace Raudales highlights Catracha gastronomy in an international magazine.)

The Dubronvnik Times – That’s all we are – a leaf floating down a river

Some of the most interesting people I’ve met in my life have been through a shared adventure. It was one particular adventure last June in the Neretva Valley that I met Pat, a fellow wild woman and lover of the natural world, in particular rivers.